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Summer School – Lori’s Picks

When school’s out for the summer, its time to enjoy nature to the fullest with family and friends.

I stay active by biking, hiking state parks and exploring new places in Michigan. 

Gardening has become a relaxing ritual. Using our herbs, fruits and vegetables in our cooking is key whether traditional recipes or experimenting with new summer salads.

Having a picnic,  visiting a local art fair and sharing some ice cream also brings us joy.

When its time to unwind, sitting on the deck with a bottle of wine and listening to a classic spotify playlist is the perfect way to end the day.”

-Lori Salem, Sphere Trending Design Research Assistant

We still have a few more favorites to share – stay tuned to see what else our team is finding inspiring this month! Click here to connect with us and follow our Instagram and LinkedIn.

Summer School-Mandi’s Picks

In the longer days of summer, my dog Beans and I enjoy early morning walks before the sun gets to hot for her (and me!).  I am usually listening to a podcast and often start my morning with “What a Day”, but lately I’ve been listening to “Field Trip” in which I’ve appreciated the “journey through the messy past and uncertain future of America’s national parks.”

This summer I challenged myself to a “less screen time summer” and have been learning embroidery thanks to workshops from Clever Poppy, a New Zealand based maker and a local Michigander I found on TikTok, Sherwood Forest Creations.  I’ve completed a few beginner projects already and have more in the works!  I actually love buying all the cute supplies too….

I’m a sunset, firepit and sweatshirt-after-dark kind of summer girl, and in the evenings, you will find us sitting by the flames, with something fun in our glass and a cozy throw on our laps.  These glasses were a gift and I think they look like beach glass by the water in the evening sun.  Cheers!”

-Mandi Mankvitz, Sphere Trending President of Possibilities

We have lots of summer favorites still to come! Stay tuned to see where our team is finding inspiration. Click here to connect with us and follow our Instagram and LinkedIn.

Summer School – Susan’s Picks

Summer for me is taking our boat out on a lake nearby with family and friends and reading a great novel! In this chaotic and busy world, embracing the soothing colors, textures and serenity of beautiful landscapes bring me a sense of serenity. (Maker Hotel – great place to stay in the breathtaking Hudson Valley).

Home entertaining has increased for all of us since the pandemic and a summer barbeque is my favorite thing to enjoy with friends.  The tremendous amount of inspiration for outdoor living spaces has brought an upgrading of our deck and, my favorite spot, the front porch! (Join the Book of the Month Club for great reading throughout the year).”

-Susan Yashinsky, Sphere Trending VP of Innovation

Stay tuned to see what else our team is finding inspiring this month! Click here to connect with us and follow our Instagram and LinkedIn.

Summer School – Riann’s Picks

After a long Michigan winter, summer for me is all about being outdoors – sunshine (don’t forget the sunscreen and hat) adventure and travel as a necessity to recharge and reinspire.

Getting out of my comfort zone and experiencing new spaces and places is always my key source of inspiration and for Summer 2023, I’m looking to the French Riviera.

While for some this might conjure thoughts of turquoise waters, brightly striped beach umbrellas and towels stretching for miles and glamourous, flashy Cannes, I instead find myself drawn to the sun-faded old towns, imperfect cobblestone narrow lanes growing wild with bougainvillea and hikes alongside rugged coastlines.”

-Riann Henkel, Sphere Trending Trend Futurist, Director of Interior Home

Stay tuned to see where else our team is gathering inspiration – click here to connect with us and follow our Instagram and LinkedIn.

Summer School – Emily’s Picks

This month we’re going to school – summer school – where our own trend experts share some of their recent favorites.

My summer style is simple – floating in the pool, reading by the lake, or entertaining outdoors with friends and family. The classic cabana stripes on these playful floats would be a great addition to summer vacation. Every year my family gathers up north to Lake Michigan and I always bring a beach read – this one was perfect.

At home I’m looking for playful outdoor dinnerware like the new Rhodes x West Elm collaboration for maximizing the warm Midwest summer weather and dreaming of my own lakeside retreat like the ones featured on A Frame Dreams.”

-Emily Siwek, Sphere Trending Trend Futurist, Director of Architectural Design

Stay tuned for summer school picks from the rest of the team – click here to connect with us and follow our Instagram and LinkedIn.