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Boundaryless: Exploring The New Commercial Landscape

Along with our residential research, we have been tracking trends in commercial environments for over a decade. This month, our theme ‘Boundaryless’ addresses the shifts happening in commercial spaces and will focus throughout the month on a different sector of the market.

2025 Commercial Forecast available soon!

We discovered a gap in commercial reporting and in response have created an all-encompassing forecast unlike any in the market. From big picture societal shifts to design details, indoor, outdoor, across all markets for a multi-hyphenate future. Over the past ten years we have been refining this report and this year we are taking it even further to include the Top 10 Cultural Connections influencing commercial spaces. The report will be available at the end of August.

If you are interested, please email for more information!

In the meantime, stay tuned for another more key takeaways in commercial spaces. Click here to connect with us and follow our Instagram and LinkedIn.

Summer School-Maxine’s Picks

My summer favorites are volunteering at 5 Loaves @ Fish where we make fresh and almost gourmet homecooked meals for people in need. This summer I am working three days per week at a local winery Dune Bird.  It’s a boutique winery with a focus on the customer and the experience which is everything Sphere does every day.  My favorite current routine is sitting every evening in our Adirondacks to watch the sunset over the Manitou Islands in Lake Michigan. It’s my favorite part of my day. “

-Maxine Lauer, Sphere Trending CEO (Chief Explorer of Opportunities)

That’s a wrap for Summer School! Stay tuned for another exciting theme next month – click here to connect with us and follow our Instagram and LinkedIn.

Summer School-Cathy’s Picks

For me, it’s all about summer in the city! I love working out and gardening, starting my plants from seed in the early spring and watching them flourish in their containers out front!

I also feel so fortunate to see my neighborhood in Detroit growing into an area that supports my running habit. With the new developments going on, I can put in a couple miles running down to the river and back, warming up with some light weights and winding down with downward dog.”

-Cathy Schneider, Sphere Trending Trend Futurist, Director of Color Theory

We’re winding down this month’s theme but have one more to share so stay tuned! Click here to connect with us and follow our Instagram and LinkedIn.

Summer School- Lonnie’s Picks

Summer fun!! –  Bonfires, fireworks, barbeque, farmers markets,  and lazy days in between.  This is my favorite shopping time of year!  Flea Markets, antique festivals, garage sales and consignment shops.  I’m always looking for interesting items for my home or garden.

Summer Eats – I love all the fresh produce available all summer long!  I try to do a little canning all season depending what’s at peak.  My absolute favorite though is Salsa!  Nothing beats fresh, spicy salsa and my family loves it when I break it out for our winter festivities too.

Summer Stylin’- keep cool and look even cooler by protecting your skin and your eyes.  I would have a pair of glasses to match every bag and pair of shoes if I could.  I’m loving all the vintage style sunglasses I see everywhere this year. “

-Lonnie Johnson, Sphere Trending Market Analyst

Stay tuned to see what else our team is finding inspiring this month! Click here to connect with us and follow our Instagram and LinkedIn.

Summer School – Lori’s Picks

When school’s out for the summer, its time to enjoy nature to the fullest with family and friends.

I stay active by biking, hiking state parks and exploring new places in Michigan. 

Gardening has become a relaxing ritual. Using our herbs, fruits and vegetables in our cooking is key whether traditional recipes or experimenting with new summer salads.

Having a picnic,  visiting a local art fair and sharing some ice cream also brings us joy.

When its time to unwind, sitting on the deck with a bottle of wine and listening to a classic spotify playlist is the perfect way to end the day.”

-Lori Salem, Sphere Trending Design Research Assistant

We still have a few more favorites to share – stay tuned to see what else our team is finding inspiring this month! Click here to connect with us and follow our Instagram and LinkedIn.