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Embracing The ‘New Energy’ Lifestyle

By Susan Yashinsky, Sphere Trending VP, Innovation Trends

Consumers are reevaluating the everyday, raising expectations for lifestyles that represent our unique passions alongside the greater societal good, all while empowering personal exploration and excitement.

“Passion for our Surroundings” – think of our home, car, office, or any environment as a visual playlist for personalization.

California Round House – Dwell

At Sphere Trending we are calling out ‘New Energy’ as a powerful movement that crosses demographics and cultures to bring unique inspiration into our environments, whether this is a residential, commercial, or automotive setting. Today’s post-lockdown era has begun the conversation for a simpler but more fulfilling lifestyle; one that allows us to thrive with family and friends.

“Passion for Society” – understanding that doing good in a multitude of ways not only makes us feel good but contributes to the betterment of future society.

We are being reenergized by the past (analog activities like retro mechanical cameras, game tables and vinyl), the present (embracing the outdoors and new experiences) and the future (incoming technologies affecting everyday life).

Four Hands – New Game Tables

“Passion for Design” – thanks to social media for elevating design excitement across categories in a way that brings constant renewal.

As society once again transitions to a nation of homebodies, our homes have become leisure centers that include hobby rooms (gaming, music, crafting, exercising, theaters) as well as open space living for greater connectivity.  In the U.S., we now spend more of our discretionary income on home furniture and furnishings than apparel; a first! 

St. George Parade of Homes – American Heritage Theater Room

“Passion for Experiences” – new ways that residential and commercial spaces empower productivity, exploration and excitement.

New terminology is coming into our vernacular and social media to describe these rising desires, such as cottagecore, coastal grandmother and manorcore.  We have become our own conductor for bringing to life these evolving passions.

Brown Jordan – A ‘cottagecore’ outdoor kitchen

Follow our blog, Instagram and LinkedIn to read more about the “NEW ENERGY” lifestyle we are talking about this month! And reach out to learn more – we love sharing!